The Best Time
If your primary interest is gender determination and you are at least 16 weeks, we suggest our 2D “Just Can’t Wait” Package.
If you’re interested in a 3D Package, we suggest you come in after 23 weeks. As far as the “best” time, that really depends on what you want to see and how many times you plan to come in.
Here are some guidelines:
23-26 weeks:
Baby’s facial features are starting to be defined and you can see more of the baby at once.
27-32 weeks:
This is a good time for your second 3D ultrasound or if you’re only going to come in for one session during your pregnancy. Baby’s facial features are more defined and the baby still has room to move around. However, because baby is getting larger, you won’t see quite as much of him/her at once as you would earlier.
33-36 weeks:
A great time for beautiful facial shots IF baby “cooperates”. Please be aware that increased crowding in the womb does make it more challenging to get specific pictures.